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Here is our full course list. Select one to know more. For complete study programs, please, click here.




Evolution is the process of change in all forms of life over generations; behavior is as a tool in the struggle for survival and reproduction. This is an indispensable course to understand how behavior originates, develops and evolves.

Animal Welfare (AnimalWelfareCourse-1024x538)

Animal Welfare

Animal welfare is an objective science studying the needs of animals, an interaction between natural science, ethics, and law. This course is a must for everyone working with animals. Learn how to assess your pet's quality of life.


Canine Behavior

Canine Behavior studies dog behavior in the natural and in the human environment, reviewing the behavior of the domestic dog and the related wild species. An important course for dog training, which is full of myths unsupported by scientific research.


Canine Proficiency Verification

Ethology Course


Ethology studies animal behavior in its natural environment. It is one of the fundamental courses in your curriculum. A reliable knowledge of animal behavior is the basis to create a satisfying relationship with any animal we train.


Agonistic Behavior

Agonistic Behavior is all forms of aggression, threat, fear, pacifying behavior, fight or flight, arising from confrontations between individuals of the same species. This course gives you the scientific definitions and facts.


Feline Behavior and Misbehavior

Feline Behavior and Misbehavior studies the behavior of cats as well as the most common causes of problem behavior and how to solve or prevent them, health and nutrition. It's an all-around course about feline behavior.


Equine Proficiency Verification


Mi MĂ©todo de Entrenamiento

En "Mi método de entrenamiento de animales—la fusión entre Etología y conductismo" el etólogo Roger Abrantes te explica y te enseña cómo entrenar y crear relaciones confiables con cualquier animal.

Ethology Institute